Short-Term Certificates

Short-Term Certificates


培训或再培训. 快.

短期培训项目比学位课程需要更少的时间来完成,并且提供特殊的培训 帮助你发展某一特定工作所需的技能和经验的培训. 这些 课程对刚开始职业生涯的人很有用,对普通人也很有用 who already have years of experience and want to boost their skills, or are looking for a mid-life career change.



This certificate can be obtained in 1学期

CR的汽车技术项目符合美国和加拿大最高的汽车认证 NATEF certified Master Automotive Service Technology.

This certificate can be obtained in 1学期

华润的商业课程为你在商业的各个方面打下坚实的基础,包括会计, bookkeeping and marketing strategies. 另外, you will develop an entrepreneurial mindset, allowing you to create opportunities, solve problems and develop both a short and long-term vision for any business.

This certificate can be obtained in 1学期

太阳能技术项目提供太阳能光伏和太阳能热技术皇冠365官方app. 入门级课程将教你在开始你的太阳能技术职业生涯时需要知道的一切. After foundational solar theory discussions in the classroom, 通过在CR学生建造的房子上安装太阳能电池板和太阳能热水器,您将很快进入应用指导.

This certificate can be obtained in 1学期

华润的多方面幼儿教育(ECE)项目的目标是培养有活力的, capable and qualified teachers to meet the changing needs of our community. 许多学生离开我们的课程准备加入劳动力作为有执照的学前教师或日托中心主任, 而其他人则转到大学继续在这个回报丰厚且瞬息万变的领域接受培训.

This certificate can be obtained in 1学期

Kinesiology is the study of the movement of the human body, and includes courses in sports, 健身, human anatomy and physiology. Community college courses toward an AS-T in Kinesiology may include aquatics, 格斗术的, 团队运动, 个人运动, 健身和舞蹈, as well as other relevant science courses.

1 - 2学期

This certificate can be obtained in 1 - 2学期

华润的商业课程为你在商业的各个方面打下坚实的基础,包括会计, bookkeeping and marketing strategies. 另外, you will develop an entrepreneurial mindset, allowing you to create opportunities, solve problems and develop both a short and long-term vision for any business.

This certificate can be obtained in 1 - 2学期

虽然我们的皇冠365官方app是获得雇主所需要的技能的宝贵途径, many businesses are more interested in 3rd-party certifications. Our programs prepare you for the following certifications:

此外,我们是我们地区唯一一所提供国家资助课程的大学 Innovative Technology Transfer Pathway (ITTP), 我们称之为“通往工作之路”,因为它可以让你在不到一年的时间里开始你的it职业生涯.

This certificate can be obtained in 1 - 2学期

我们的焊接技术计划提供商业和工业焊接以及制造方面的培训,并为您在众多领域的职业生涯做好准备. Since welders are needed in almost every industry, you'll have flexibility to switch industries without changing careers.

This certificate can be obtained in 1 - 2学期

我们的焊接技术计划提供商业和工业焊接以及制造方面的培训,并为您在众多领域的职业生涯做好准备. Since welders are needed in almost every industry, you'll have flexibility to switch industries without changing careers.

This certificate can be obtained in 1 - 2学期

我们的焊接技术计划提供商业和工业焊接以及制造方面的培训,并为您在众多领域的职业生涯做好准备. Since welders are needed in almost every industry, you'll have flexibility to switch industries without changing careers.


This certificate can be obtained in 2学期

农业项目强调与土壤管理相关的学科, 水, 空气, plant and livestock resources. 该计划通过可持续发展的“3e”-环境来探索农业, 经济学和社会公平——让学生对从农场到餐桌的食物循环有一个全面的了解

This certificate can be obtained in 2学期

华润的商业课程为你在商业的各个方面打下坚实的基础,包括会计, bookkeeping and marketing strategies. 另外, you will develop an entrepreneurial mindset, allowing you to create opportunities, solve problems and develop both a short and long-term vision for any business.

This certificate can be obtained in 2学期

我们的橱柜制作皇冠365官方app为学生提供了一个使用全国各地专业橱柜商店和木材商店使用的现代工业设备的机会. 你会动手的, 通过在CR学生建造的房子中建造和安装所有橱柜的实践经验,你将准备好作为你所在领域的专家加入劳动力市场.

This certificate can be obtained in 2学期

The goal of CR's Residential Construction program is to get you to work. First year students will build a house – you'll pour the concrete, 搭建地板框架, 墙壁和屋顶, install the roof and wall sheathing, install exterior trim, and frame and install windows. 第二年的学生将继续发展他们的木工技能,同时也获得管理经验,监督船员和增加技能,如建筑布局和成本估算.

This certificate can be obtained in 2学期

你是否正在寻找一份具有挑战性、回报丰厚、灵活且有需求的职业? 我们的牙科辅助计划将为您准备接受日益复杂的牙科治疗, innovations in technology, and expanded duties of the Dental Assistant. 两学期课程的毕业生有资格参加加州牙科委员会考试,获得注册牙科助理(RDA)的州执照,以及牙科助理全国委员会(DANB)提供的认证牙科助理(CDA)考试。.

This certificate can be obtained in 2学期

我们的焊接技术计划提供商业和工业焊接以及制造方面的培训,并为您在众多领域的职业生涯做好准备. Since welders are needed in almost every industry, you'll have flexibility to switch industries without changing careers.


一个非学分皇冠365官方app的能力准备退伍军人成功过渡到大学生活. 这一系列的课程使学生能够尊重他们的生活经历,并将他们的军事训练转化为终身成功的技能. 它将使学生有机会根据个人经验探索可能的职业, military and vocational skills, discover veteran-specific support services available on and off campus, and develop necessary skills to nurture personal and professional development. 该皇冠365官方app为退伍军人提供了一个开始接受教育和增加就业选择的切入点.

A noncredit Certificate of Competency in mathematics. 这一系列非学分的基础数学课程通过为学生提供算术和预代数的基础,作为通往学分的数学课程的途径. 该皇冠365官方app的完成也有利于学生在其他项目或职业,其中基本的数学概念的知识是必不可少的成功.

一种非学分的能力皇冠365官方app,为非英语母语者提供英语语言技能指导,以提高个人或学术水平. This sequence of courses has two tracks. One track (Personal) is designed for personal enrichment and focuses on speaking, 为有兴趣在英语世界中提高沟通能力的学生提供英语听力和发音, but with no interest in taking credit-level classes. 另一个轨道(学术)是为有兴趣将英语用于学术目的和/或追求学分课程的学生设计的. 本课程侧重于用英语阅读和写作来寻找信息,并利用这些信息分享他们的观点.


  2023 College of the Redwoods

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